Automobile Liabilities
A liability may be converted to a property lien or automobile lien by selecting the appropriate liability with the left mouse button depressed and dragging it to the appropriate property address on the loan overview. This process is known as "Drag and Drop". Liens may be exchanged among properties and switched to liabilities using this feature as well. When the first lien on a property is created (either by inserting or by drag and drop), it is set to the first lien position. Lien positions for any additional liens do not get defaulted. The idea is that if there is only one lien connected with the property, then it must be in the first position. If there is more than one lien, then we don't know the lien position. When a second lien is created, its lien position will be blank. If it is not corrected, the data check will report the problem as a Fail status item.